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Makilala, Nortn Cotabato, Philippines
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Monday, January 25, 2010

What is ComPuter Privacy?

Computer privacy
Nowadays we use computers and the Internet everywhere - we do our banking, read books, find different kinds of information, plan holidays and more.It is like a mirror that shows all tracks of our computer and Internet activity , every time we surf the Internet we leave traces of our Internet activity that can reveal our real-life identity. And anyone even without special computer skills can monitor our surfing habits, banking history and even our personal information like name, phone, address. Everyone has an IP address to communicate on the Internet, IP address is like a telephone number or mailing address. Using your IP it is possible to know your country, city, internet provider and even physical address.
But these history tracks can compromise our privacy and provide an easy way for others to see what web sites you visited, what you have been searching, downloading, viewing.
So while there are lots of things that we have gained from the computer revolution there is a price we have to pay. And the price is our computer privacy. Of course there is no simple solution for this problem. But inactivity is also impossible. There are some simple steps everyone could do.There are different tools available to help us maintain our privacy - anonymous surfing tools, encryption software, clear history software. When your PC is equipped with privacy software, it has the greatest chance of surviving privacy or security attacks.

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